Yeah, I have a Facebook Page

Doesn’t everybody?

I created it a number of years ago when I imaged that I would become a semi-famous novelist.

I’m still waiting.

During all those intervening days (actually months, … no years) the page grew stale. Facebook threatened to close my account for lack of activity.

You would think that a writer could keep a simple Facebook page full of thoughts, short stories, and other musings.

I guess I’m lazy, … or maybe uninspired.  Or lazy.

However, I have found a solution. Quora. Yes, I’m talking about that site where folks post, ahem, “insightful” questions exploring the deep meaning of life, clarification of technical topics, pressing political, ethical, or cultural issues, or just plain trolling.

In the past, I had answered a few questions. Nothing Earth shattering. My answers were always short and to the point. …. Until I came across a question that led me to write a lengthy reply. Low and behold, upon my posting that answer, Quora prompted me, asking if I wished to also post this answer on my Facebook page.


Quora has now become, for me, a source of writing prompts.

So, a few times a week, I scour the questions posed at Quora for those gems where I might pontificate profusely upon some other’s musings, allowing me to provide both the edification of another’s mind as well as keep my sorry excuse of a Facebook page from becoming a dusty, windswept expanse of stale postings.

Visit it at


Hotspot: A Story of Corporate Greed and Global Warming


“These numbers can’t be right.”

CEO Marc Stanton stalked the perimeter of the massive granite table in his company’s boardroom. He had it custom designed and placed here to make a statement. His word was final. It led to the expression that whatever edicts emerged from the boardroom were ‘set in stone’. The other board members nicknamed him ‘Moses.’ Stanton was not amused.

Stanton stopped his stalking and faced his Director of Engineering. “How much time do we have?”

The bearded, wrinkled face sitting at the far end of that monstrous granite slab tilted its eyes toward the boardroom’s ornate arched ceiling. Together, it all felt like a temple. Or maybe a mausoleum. Dr. Henry Parsons returned his gaze to meet Stanton’s eyes. He leaned back into the plush leather chair and crossed his arms. “A decade, maybe,” he hedged.

“You realize what this means,” Stanton smiled.


“Our cable TV market share dominates the industry. No one else has a chance in hell.” The beginnings of a smile fought its way onto his face. “We’ll be the last man standing.”

….Read more of this short story at Hotspot.



To be inspired.

To be moved intellectually, ….spiritually, ….emotionally.

What inspires you?

Where do you get your inspiration?

It may come from many sources, both internal and external.

One might be inspired by a fiery speech, or a touching poem, or perhaps a biography or memoir.

Or the source of inspiration may be a quiet yet forceful realization from within; a personal awakening or realization.


It is a spark, a catalyst. And like a catalyst it must lead to some outcome. Otherwise, the inspiration, and even the catalyst of that inspiration, is meaningless.

Every year Time magazine publishes its issue of noteworthy people. Great artists, writers, politicians, entrepreneurs, sports figures, scientists. Each having some notable skill or accomplishment such that they rise head and shoulders above their peers.

They may have not planned to become famous. They may have little in common with each other. However, they do share a handful of fundamental characteristics. Motivation, perseverance, and focus on a goal; a desire for achievement.

The result of their efforts to achieve that goal, of their motivation, their perseverance, and their focus, is seen by others in the world. And these results in turn may inspire others.

These noteworthy folks who may have started from humble beginnings probably never considered the inspirational effect they might have in the world.

They merely pursued their own personal dreams, desires and goals.

Yet, their actions and accomplishments had ramifications. They became the spark lighting another’s fire.

The outcome.

The result.

It is exactly that which quantifies the inspirational moment.

It’s what makes it real, tangible. It’s also what can both strengthen the experience or diminish its meaning.

There are two questions that others can raise when hearing or learning about another’s inspiration.

The first is “What inspired you?”

We’ve all heard this question spoken a multitude of times. It may have been directed at a celebrity on a talk show, or in a private moment with close friends.

This question, of course, is shortened as it is usually asked within the larger context of “What inspired you to do this thing?”

The point is, this question can only be asked after the fact. Well after the inspiration has led to some notable outcome which in turn prompted others to dissect its meaning.

The second question is “You’re inspired to do what?”

This question can be raised only upon the revelation of the inspiration to others.

In either case, the operative word is not “inspired”, but “do”.  It is the outcome of the inspiration, or the potential results of the inspiration, that matter to others, to the external world.

Inspiration without motivation and results is nothing.

It is failure, plain and simple.

The lack of motivation could mean one of two things.

Either the event was actually non-inspiring, in which case it failed.

Or, the lack of motivation by those experiencing the event indicates apathy.

Inspiration must be actualized in order to be real.

Inspiration alone is not sufficient to realize the fruits of that inspirational moment.

That fiery speech, touching poem, biography or memoir may touch your inner spirit and leave you feeling refreshed, invigorated, uplifted. However, if not acted upon, if not motivated into action that inspiration is means nothing.

There must be an outcome.

It must be shared.

This sharing may be intentional. Or it may not. However, it is always, always visible.

The inspiration awakens some desire within us.

A desire to do something.

Be someone.

Change people’s lives.

Perhaps change your own life.

We’ve all been inspired at one point or another in our lives.

After that fleeting moment of awakening, of revelation, what happened?

What did you do?

Were you motivated into action?

The motivation may be large or small. It may be a call-to-arms to right some social injustice, or it may be a quiet series of actions to live a better life, to be a better person. In any case, there will be a visible outcome that others will see.

And perhaps comment about.

That first step can be scary, frightening. You’re putting yourself out into the world for others to see, examine, judge, possibly ridicule.

However, even if those judgments occur, consider them the flame of a furnace that hardens a soft metal into steel.

You may fall on your face pursuing the fruits of that inspiration.

Don’t give up.

Don’t simply lie there in self-pity or wallow in your failure.

The fact that you are even in that position is a result of your motivation. It’s a sign of change, of progress. It is a result.

Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move forward.

You may even be lucky.

Another person, a friend, family member, coworker, or even a stranger may pick you up, dust you off, and join you.

If that is the case, then consider that an achievement in itself.

Your motivation to action from your inspiration has borne its first fruit. It has inspired and even motivated another person. Together, you are stronger and can move forward with new-found confidence.

Whether your inspiration motivates you to change your own life, improve another’s life, perform some deed, create art, engineer a solution, there is an outcome that is visible to others around you.

Your family, friends, co-workers, even strangers.

People will notice. And they may be similarly inspired, then motivated, then persevere as they chase their own dreams and desires.

The circle is then complete. The spark of inspiration is reignited in another.

And another.

And another.

That spark becomes a flame that is both stoked by the fruits of inspiration, and that feeds the innate desire within all of us to achieve a goal.

We can all be inspired.

The inspiration alone is meaningless.

What matters is the result.

What are you going to do?

A Rhyme For Our Times

One America
Two Americas
Red America
Blue America

This one drives
A hybrid car
That one digs
For coal and tar

One group wants
To build a wall
Another demands
Health care for all

Black lives
Blue lives
All lives matter
Which one is true?
Go ask one another

This group has a swastika
Another is the antifa
Say! What a lot
Of groups there are

Some have knives
And some have bats
This one has guns
Imagine that!

They shout and scream
And blame each other
The violence grows
It makes one shudder

Rocks are thrown
And storefronts smashed
The anger grows
When heads are bashed

The fake news shows
The reality
Of who we are
For the world to see

From east to west
And north to south
A nation torn
Without a doubt

Could make us stronger
When will we
All live together?

[with apologies to Dr. Seuss]

via Daily Prompt